Friday, January 16, 2009

Mercy Falls Fresh Like Sweet Spring Rain

Today started off with a word from God. Isaiah 42:9 "See, the former things have taken place and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." If you've read my former blogs you'll know I've been fighting to keep hope in what my future holds concerning prison. But, today, God basically told me the future before it happened. I called my probation officer to see if I got the summons yet. The answer was "I don't know." But that's not the end. He did say he talked to my prosecuting attorney and that he was willing to give me probation, and if that happens, it's by the grace of God.(Cause he was trying to stick it to me a few weeks ago) My p.o. definitely sees a change in me, he is calling around to find out about my case and actually called my back today, which he never did before. It's just amazing to see people who saw me at my worst have faith in me. He knows I've changed and he's rooting for me. God gave me this p.o. And I'm going to prove him right. I'm going to make him look good. I pray God blesses him for believing in me when others in the court system have practically given up on me. And that's not all. I got my driver's liscense taken away for 5 years in the state of Florida. I finished my dui classes while I was at the mission and worked at the mission to pay off my bill. I thought I still owed Comp Care money, but I called today and they actually owe me money. WOW! And I'm hoping to get my driver's liscense back within a month. It's only been a year and a half since I got my driver's liscense suspended. God has a couple tricks up his sleeve. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! How could we not love a God that loves us so completely? I guess the hardest part is to except the fact that someone would love you enough to die for you, especially when those closest to you tend to be the ones that hurt you the most. It's crazy how a few words from a book can make you feel so much more alive. The word is alive and active, and I know this to be TRUTH from experience. God once again gave me hope through a few words and a few phone calls. I know I don't deserve this mercy, this forgiveness, this unconditional love, but oh does it feel so good...........


Potters House School said...

Hi Michelle, Thanks so much for your kind comment on our blog! It is so wonderful to hear of another beautiful person captured by God's amazing love! I've read your posts & believe that what you have is real & sure & strong. Thanks for stopping by!