Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gettin' in the Groove

When I was at the mission I concluded that God was calling me to this area of work. I have decided to stay and help other girls come through the mission. We just had a new set of girls come in on January 5th. I had to help one of them go through heroine withdrawals. She ran out the door barefoot in 40 degree wheather 3 days into her recovery to tried to catch a ride with someone she didn't even know. We are in Kentucky and she lives in Indiana. When the drugs call.... you can't help but answer. Being on the other side of the fence is difficult, but also exciting. I'm having to stay strong not only for myself, but for the girls that are looking at me as an example of what it's like to be clean and sober. I still crave getting high and I probably will always struggle with this, but God always gives me a way out. I'm still learning how to live a normal life. What is normal anyway? All I know is everyday I wake up and before my feet hit the floor I thank the Lord for waking me up. I should have been dead a long time ago. Between overdosing and being shot; I've been to hell and back. God has given me a second chance, and you really don't care about second chances until your at deaths' door. I am humbled that he would include me in the lives of others. I still don't know yet what I have to give to these girls, but I do know I am honored to be a part of a mission that saved my life. So I'm just getting into the swing of things, trying to be in the world, but not of it. But, Lord, there are so many distractions!!!


Patty Sumner said...

This is my favorite. Is it not a great thing the work that God can do in ones life? Keep up the good work. There is someone out who needs to see this.