Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Like a Dog Running back to it's own Vomit

Without the Holy Spirit dwelling in me, I truly believe I would rip someone's head off. Throughout my addiction I have learned alot of patience, but it just kills me when people are so ungrateful. I'm missing Allie so much, I'm facing more than 6 years prison and I'm here trying to help girls recover from addiction and other life controlling issues. There's one girl here, I'll call her L, she constantly has an attitude with me. Mind you, she was my "homedog" when we were going through the program together. She doesn't want to listen to me. Last night during NA she actually called me a loser. I'm realizing more than ever how different I really have become. I'm not her "homedog" anymore. I pray for her to stop being so hard headed and want a life worth living, but she is like a dog running back to their own vomit. It hurts me, but even Jesus said speak peace and shake the dust off your feet. I have to learn that I'm not the worldly Michelle I use to be and that I will probably be disliked more than I am liked.(Especially with my personality) Being sober and having to drop all the friends(aquaintances) you had before and continue to keep other bad influences at bay can be very lonely at times. Allie's dad was a major part of my drug addiction and he just got out of prison. He's trying to get back in my life, but we will never work again. I have to think about my daughter. And that calls for hard decisions. He was my best friend and new all my dark secrets and Satan tries to tell you "You'll never find anyone better". But I know that to be a lie. There are times we have to drop the good to get the best. The Lord thinks I'm worth it, it's about time I start believing that too.