Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Saving Grace

Life is still life as usual, but my mind has been slipping lately. It's only a matter of time before my body follows unless I get it together. For the last 2 weeks I have been craving a drink so bad my mouth is watering right now. Usually it comes and goes, but stress has overtaken me and it's getting hard to fight it off. I'm still working at Heritage Inn and still finding alcohol and drugs on a daily basis. I've been in contact with Allie's dad, which has been interesting and stressful. Allie seen her dad for the first time in 2 and half years a few weekends ago. He seems to be doing better and I will pray for him always but I have my reservations. It's not necessarily him stressing my out, it's my church family around me. They somewhat rejected Robert and really don't want to give him the time of day, so in a sense I felt rejected and judged. I know Jesus said to love everyone, not just the good ones. so my faith has been tried a little. I know my sisters and brothers didn't mean to come off this way and that they truly want the best for me. They are like my moms and pops, so I guess if I had the pope himself by my side, he still wouldn't be good enough. That makes me feel good to look at it that way. I've learned through my short christian walk that even the holiest person on earth makes mistakes. I guess I'm learning more about me in the long run. I'm learning that there are going to be times when I fall, but I have to remember to reach my hand back out to let Christ lift me up again. I'm just scared to death to fall. I've kinda got a perfect record for 19 months now. I still can't believe I've been sober this long. So inside my head, I'm wondering "whens the day?" I just had my best friend fall a few days ago and I hurt for her and a little worried that I didn't do enough to stop her. She's devastated and she's definitely facing the consequences. That's what us addicts don't think about when we want to get high, is the consequences. I know she's hurting, but I have learned from her. My urge to go drink has lessened dramatically. In all actuality I'm scared. I've worked too hard and too long and I have too much to lose to fall now. All I can do is beg God to keep me and that's exactly what I'm doing. I am begging to keep my life right now. I went to Harlan this weekend. I really needed it. I tried to relax most of the time, but my mom decided to text me this morning. Needless to say things once again didn't end well, but my flesh broke out and my old verbal abusive self came out. I just got so tired of her thinking she was the victim and always in the right. She had the nerve to say that the abuse that happened to me as a kid was My fault, so let me tell you this one thing I know. If Christ did not live in me today, I would be high or dead. Throughout everything I've endured these past few weeks I can still look outside and enjoy the beauty of another day and be sssooooooooooooooo thankful I am sober and have my babygirl near me. Actually she's at her papaws for a week. It gets harder every time. If nothing else, I can't fail my daughter and that in itself puts a burden on me. She definitely keeps me going and God knew just what I needed in times like these.

Lord, if not for me, keep me clean for her.
In Jesus name. Amen


bub said...

Michelle my miraculous friend. Don't pick up. No matter what. There's only 3 things that picking up will get you. Jails, institutions and death. I know that these are things that you already know. You're seeing the consequences that your friend is having to pay. Hell, the consequences that you are STILL paying because of your addiction. Our lives don't get better overnight or over years sometimes. God loves you so much Michelle. Ask him to relieve you of the desire to drink and use. Keep asking. I know that horrible feeling of wanting to just drown all the things you are feeling. I get it all the time. Hmmm, maybe not all the time but frequently? I don't want to sound insincere. In some weird internet kind of way I love ya and want great things for ya. I pray for you and Allie everyday. If ya need someone to talk to just email me or something alright? I'll never judge ya. Hang in there kid! Keep your chin up.

Potters House School said...

Michelle, You don't know me & have no reason to care what I think, but I want you to know that as I read this I just felt so proud of you & the strength that you are showing in your life choices right now. Sober for 19 months! That is freaking huge! wow! You should be very proud of yourself, that in spite of others that are saying the wrong things & letting you down, you are remaining a very courageous woman & mother. That little girl has a great mom in you Michelle.
Don't tell yourself that it is just a matter of time till you blow it, you are not going to blow it, you are the winner & God is cheering you on! And so am I!