Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Feel Like a Horrible Person

I've been in a funk lately and really couldn't figure out why. Really, it's same old, same old. But I guess that's whats getting to me. Since I've dedicated my life to God, I've been use to Him working superfast in my life. Now..........what. I know He's still working, but not in the areas I WANT Him to work in. I'm coming to find out lately how selfish I am. I want my driver's lisence. I'm so tired of working my schedule around everybody else's. I want someone to listen to me, but everytime I try to talk, I get cut off by other important things. I feel alone for the first time in a long time. I feel like I'm getting no where. I'm still working at this hotel, which is not good for someone like me. I found 3 different types of liquor left behind in one my rooms the other day. I took the lid off of one and just smelled it. It smelled good of course, but I put the lid back on and threw them in the trash. Good job right. Then I go to my next room and find a small bud someone had left behind. I smelled it too. It smelled good of course. Yes, I would have to say I am being tested and it sucks. I started this 10 day trial at a gym near my work. I really enjoy working out. I use to work at Gold's Gym in Cincinnatti as a personal trainer, sales, front desk chick. I was really good at what I did until I got really bad on drugs. So I applied there yesterday. They only have positions open for childcare, but I've got to start somewhere. I just need to be somewhere where I don't find drugs all the time. Somethings bound to happen, if I continue to keep myself in this situation. The part in all this that makes me a horrible person is what I told God last night. See, everybody says, "Gods got to be enough." And I felt that I truly thought God was enough, but my actions show something different. I continue to want things in my life and I'm getting frustrated because it's not happening. I'm not feeling very happy lately. So, I've done some self examination and I didn't like what I found. God is not enough for me. When I said this, it scared me. I almost stopped and didn't say it because I thought I was going to hurt Gods' feelings or He was going to punish me or something. (I don't know where I got this notion, so don't ask, Satan is alive and well) Anyway, the biggest wave of peace came over me after I admitted that. Crazy huh. That's what He's been waiting for. We can be in denial and not even know it, that's what makes it so dangerous. Any of us who have drug problems knows the first step to recovery is ADMITTING you have a problem. Well, duh. God works in the simplest ways and our human ways make it so difficult. But I know now I am on my way to recovery in (God being enough). We can say it all day and put our smiling faces on, but if it doesn't show through our actions, then we are just liars and in turn that makes us sinners and sin in sin, so I also basically just committed murder. Can I get an AMEN. Whew. Well, I think I'm done now.....Yep. That's it.


Patty Sumner said...

Mija, It seems as if the old devil is running you hard. I guess I would be one of those people who say, "God is enough". I am glad that you were able to get honest before God. You are right, He knows our heart and he waiting for us just to be honest with Him. I know that feeling of overwhelming frustration, it is ugly. I want to say, this too shall pass, but I am not sure that is what you want to hear. You have come too far to turn back now. If I cut you off, I am sorry. Life here gets pretty tough. I am glad to say that things are looking better. I want you know that Scott and I are praying for you and want the best for you.

bub said...

I'll give ya an Amen, sistah! It's so great to see you getting down to brass tacks in your honesty. To thine own self be true. It's so easy to throw on our smile on the outside while we are dying on the inside. I do it all the time, and let's face it, that's our pride and our ego getting in the way of what God wants for us. Sometimes it feels as if God isn't enough. I think He's cool with us feeling that way. He loves us unconditionally. Sometimes I think I can grasp that but most of the time it's entirely too huge of a concept for a self centered addict like me to really get a hold of. I can't even love Him unconditionally. A lot of the time my love is directly proportional to "if things are going my way". I need to remember that when time's are toughest is when I need to really draw close to Him and give myself completely. It's crazy how simple and yet complicated this whole relationship with our Father is. Anyways, keep your nose away from the bottles and the buds. I'm praying that you get that day care gig at the fitness center so you can get out of that hotel. I'm praying that God watches and protects you from the temptations you run into daily. I'm praying that He continues to rain his love and mercy down on you like He has been and keeps you and your beautiful daughter safe from the Evil one. Love ya, bub.

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Wow!!!! You go, girl!!!! I wish I had learned years ago to be this honest with myself and with God as you have here. You see, God can only work with an honest heart. And He does promise to answer us when we call on Him. Jer. 33:3 says, "Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Stuff in the world never changes. The bottles and the drugs will always be in the hotel rooms. At any time, you can go out and get this stuff. We will always be a part of this sinful world, for sure. But WE change. In Him, we will grow stronger. I can relate to things not moving fast enough. But you know, God does make all things beautiful in HIS time. Someday soon, you will look back and see how all the pieces came together and how miraculous God was in doing that. Don't despair! I'll be praying for you! So glad I came by today! You were on my heart, and now I see why!