Tuesday, February 10, 2009

On the Fritz

My computer has been on the fritz for about a week, hence the week long gap in my blog. Not too much has happened other than finding out I'm going to have to find about a grand to even be able to begin to get my D.L. back. I also have to have a hearing to see if I can get a hardship license from Florida. If they decide not to do that for me I have to wait until 2012 to get a D.L. I also have to put an Interlock system on my car that I have to blow into before I can start it up, that is if I'm lucky enough to get a hardship license. First of all, how am I suppose to work without a license and a little girl to take care of. I am so mad, mainly at myself, because of my stupid decisions that got me into this mess. But also at the fact that the system keeps me down. How am I suppose to get back on my feet. They make it so hard. I understand why for those that have no respect and never change, but what about those that do. And I see why those that have changed revert back to the life they knew before because they feel hopeless. It's hard enough to pay bills and live life without my issues. I have to work so much harder just to get through each day. Quite frankly, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm selling football cards on ebay just to make some cash. No one will hire me. Anyway, I guess I just needed to vent.


bub said...

Hey, how are you doing? It's amazing when God talks and I'm able to listen. So I'm in my quiet time doing my reading and He speaks to me. I've been praying for you because I know your struggling with the difficulties of our wreckage. I'm in Exodus and I realize that the freedom that the Israelites earned was not easy. In fact, when they told Pharaoh that they wanted to leave and worship The Lord he made it even more difficult on them. You know, making bricks with no straw. The people were ready to turn against Moses and Aaron. It seemed like at the last possible moment God stepped in and turned things around. He's going to do the same thing for you Michelle. It's when things are the darkest that the Lord shines his light upon us. Praying for ya!