Thursday, October 8, 2009

Big News

I'm currently still at the Lighthouse Rescue Mission. Things are going great. We don't have any girls here and it's just Patty(director) and me sittin around learning more and more about God and ourselves. I don't know what the future holds with me and the Lighthouse. Things are changing and God's doing big things. I just have to be patient and wait for the Lord to move in my life. I got married on Sepember 25th to Allie's father. He's been begging me to marry him for years now. I didn't ever go through with it before because I knew we were headed for disaster in the lifestyle we led. I know before in my blogs I told you I had completely cut him off and moved on. And I did, but he didn't. He has fought for his family and I've seen God do big changes in him. He graduates from the Hope Center in a week. Then he will be coming to the mission that I work at to stay for 2 weeks and then home with me. It's so wierd he's going to be staying in the same place I lived for a year in recovery. God makes all things beautiful in HIS time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) It amazes me how if we just follow the simple verse in Matthew 6:33-But seek FIRST his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you as well. If we just seek God's will in everything, he will give us the desires of our heart. And the closer you get to God and get to know Him the more your desires change into His desires. I know we still need alot of work, but I'm finally willing to work at it. I always ran away from hard situations before thinking I was saving myself some trouble, but only made it worse. I'm excited about this new season in my life. I don't know what God is going to do or where He is going to send me in the months ahead, but I'm just happy I'm doing it with Him. Pray for me, because submitting to a man is difficult for me, but if I want to please God, this is part of my call. My past has made me this way, but God says, "Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing. Now, it springs up! Do you not percieve it? Isaiah 43:18-19


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! Congratulations on your marriage. I love watching God working in your lives and reuniting broken families. Praying that all goes well with you.


Anonymous said...

I stayed home from work today with a tension headache from the strains of life. I ran across this while I was looking for a new background for my myspace layout. I'm on blogspot, too. I love racing and I found a group of bloggers on FOX after my Daddy died who made me feel like I was right there with him. We left FOX and came to blogspot.

I woke up dead in the emergency room where I work about 2 years ago. No kidding, They had called in the family and everything. I was a devout Christian, totally sold out to God, but had no life! I felt like God was telling me to start living. I turned 50 this year but I'm as messed up as I was when I was 16 when it comes to the things of the heart. I've been divorced for 5 years. I was married for 27. This big old world is swallowing me whole. Please pray for me.

Potters House School said...

Congratulations! I speak blessing, hope & lots of fun in your future together!