Friday, March 20, 2009

Catching Up

So... it's been a while. I don't have internet access where I live at the moment, so blogging is few and far between lately. But things are going well. I'm working and Allie is in daycare. Stress has tried to get me down, but the Lord pulls me right back up. Cleaning hotel rooms isn't a glorious job, especially when you find bags of cocaine on bathroom counters your second day of work. Yeah, that's right. Satan thinks he's slick. HA. The girl I was working with "supposedly" threw it away. I guess I'll never know. It feels good to come into contact with drugs and not have to do them. I still can't believe I didn't do it. I'm just so different, it freaks me out sometime. I do know I need to get out of this job as quickly as possible, but for the moment it works out with every other area of my life. So, Gods' grace is sufficient. I was asked to give my testimony at Celebrate Recovery on the 31st. I spent 4 hours writing last night. I had never actually written my testimony down before. I usually would just wing it. I'm kinda nervous about it, but excited to tell others what God has done in my life. A bit of information I just found out today is that the judge that sent me to rehab just got indicted. They showed him on the news in an orange jumpsuit. I'm still dumbfounded. It's just weird how this person was really used by God to save me from prison and my own hell and now he's in jail and he's a judge. Just goes to show God can use bad for good. I'm sure this judge isn't a bad man, Satan just got him wrapped up like he has us all at one point in time. I pray for this man and thank God for him at the same time.

I'm still on probation and wondering who my next probation officer will be. The funny thing is....My boss at the hotel, his wife is a probation officer, and one that many have warned me about. It's just funny, God's got a sense of humor. She will probably end up being my p.o. And I'll knock her socks off. No one knows what to expect out of me anymore. Some people are just waiting for me to mess up. That's kinda what you've got to expect when you get clean. Most times even when they see it they don't believe it. Kinda like Jesus, huh. Anyway, I'm still working on getting my D.L. I have to get rides everywhere I go. It's awful being a single mother, living on your own, with no transportation and only bringing in 700 dollars cash a month. But, at this very moment I have a smile on my face, Allie is happy and healthy, I have a roof over my head, lots of food in the fridge and wonderful godly friends. I am truly blessed.


bub said...

So awesome to read that you are doing well. You are always in my prayers, I love it when good stuff happens to you.

Patty Sumner said...

As pops preached today. God is there when you think no one else is. It does not matter how difficult things seem, God does not leave you standing alone. Keep it up. We are proud of you!

God Chaser said...

Bless you, thanks for sharing and stopping by. Remember no matter what the ircumstances you don't have to use and Jesus will get you as high as you want to be-continue to trust and believe and recognize the enemy. Blessings